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5 A Day Card Game

Active Ability: Engaging all children in physical acitivty

Front of the factsheet has lots of information on active surveillance in prostate cancer.

Active surveillance (prostate cancer)

White leaflet background with an image of a man sat down on a chair, titled advanced prostate cancer- managing symptoms and getting support

Advanced prostate cancer: Managing symptoms and getting support

blue information cover with a male  silhouette

Ball basics- A quick guide to testicular health and testicular cancer

Image of  young male on the cover titled ball basics

Ball basics- A young person's guide to testicular cancer

White background with different father scenarios such as walking outdoors, feeding, reading a book and having a bath. Titled becoming a dad a guide for new fathers.

Becoming a dad; a guide for new fathers

White leaflet background with green text titled cancer treatment and fertility, image of a man outdoors

Cancer and fertility; information for men

Front of the factsheet has lots of information on chemotherapy in prostate cancer.

Chemotherapy (prostate cancer)

Black leaflet background with white images of men taking part in different physical activities and eating

Diet, physical activity and your risk of prostate cancer.

Pink background with a outline of a individual with three questions; something new? Something unusual? something that hasn't gone away

Early diagnosis poster

Eatwell Plates and Card Pack
