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man in a scooter and a male and female walking beside him

Getting active after a stroke guide

Text that is used within the document

Healthy eating and stroke

Leaflet with a green apple on the front titled looking after yourself physically and mentally

Healthy living- looking after yourself physically and mentally

Man going for a run titled How to reduce your risk of a stroke guide

How to reduce your risk of a stroke guide

Cartoon figures people feeding ducks, family having a walk titled; How to try to not get cancer easy read

How to try to not get cancer-Easy read

eat and drink healthily factsheet

Let's eat and drink healthily

Managing weight gain after cancer treatment- image of someone preparing food

Managing weight gain after cancer treatment

Red 5lb and 1lb muscle cluster

Mighty muscle set

Leaflet cover showing woman and a dog outdoors

Physical activity and cancer treatment

Selection of replica foods

Replica foods

Arteries with different amounts of cholesterol

Silent destruction (how cholestrol destroys arteries)

Take away health lessons
